Loving is the true nature of a person, but that nature, the truth of nature, is covered by the cloudiness of the mind. The clouds that are formed are because of your past impressions that have been created in your mind. The purpose of life, to find the true nature of Divinity, is to get rid of those old impressions that have clouded the mind.

There is only one way to get rid of the old, stale, stinking impressions, and the way is to purify one’s mind through spiritual practices. When one is regular in their spiritual practices, then all those impressions will disappear, and the disappearance of those stale, stinking impressions brings about purity. And when purity comes, you will know the meaning of love, and when you know the meaning of love, it brings you close to God.

To know the meaning of love is not a mental conception; it is a spiritual reality which is realised by the Heart. When this realisation dawns, then the heart becomes pure, and when the Heart becomes pure, you are close to God. It is so simple.


What do we do to find this purity which, in most cases, is a rarity? Everyone has the capacity to find the purity which will no longer remain a rarity. The secret of life, to find that purity, is not so difficult if you try. You have to get rid of the age-old impressions which you have gathered through so many lifetimes if you believe in that.

To find that purity, one has to develop within oneself the simplicity that goes with life. There are many factors involved in being simple and not simplistic. To be simple is to be very true to oneself. To be simple is not to be simplistic, but a simpleness involves total truth within oneself.

To be truthful to oneself is, to be honest with oneself. It is to be yourself. Then only can you be honest with yourself? If you are a thief, be a thief, but an honest thief. Thieves are regarded to be dishonest, but being an honest thief is not a contradiction of terms. Be a thief in honesty, go and steal, take from the rich to give to the poor – Robin Hood. So, you are not thieving for yourself, but you are doing this deed to help the poor, the needy, the lonely, and the lost.


Honesty takes many forms, but it all depends on how you formulate the form of your deed. There is no one in this world that is perfect. Even a self-realised man has to have two per cent of imperfection in him. If he does not have that two per cent imperfection, he will not be able to eat; he will not even be able to go to the toilet. When we go to the toilet, we expel the dirt that has accumulated in the body. Food has only certain values as far as its energies are concerned; the rest you evacuate, throw off. Can anyone tell me that you do not go for a wee or a pee or the other things that go with it? What a stinking subject! That is life, and life must be lived in normality. Life must not become abnormal. For once life becomes abnormal, you lose the love of life. When you lose the love of life, you lose the love of God. So, the principle is this, love yourself. When you can really love yourself unselfishly, then only will you know the value of life and the Divinity that gives you this life.

When life is given to you by Divinity, use it and do not abuse it. For when you abuse, you are creating more and more impressions in your subconscious mind. The more impressions you have, good or bad, in your subconscious mind, they must find some expression. And that expression is translated to your conscious mind, and that is where your problems begin because of the translation from the subconscious to the conscious level of your daily living.

If you can clear your mind from those impressions of the subconscious, then your conscious mind becomes clear, and in its clarity, you will find your life very, very much happy. Life is no secret. If you want to call it a secret, please pre-fix it with the word ‘open’ – secret, for life is an open secret to be enjoyed. For your entire constitution is composed of nothing else but joy, but because you cannot enjoy the joy, you make life miserable. Not my fault, and it is neither the fault of Divinity. It is you, governed by the impressions, which formulates your karma. As you would know that every cause must have its effect, and every effect creates another cause. So, if you, in the first place, destroy the cause, there will be no effect.


For example, my beloved, I assume, loves me, but if I do not encourage or inspire the love in my beloved, then naturally, she will not love me as she should. She might do her duty. But doing one’s duty is not loving. Loving is a natural quality that just wells up within oneself. It is not something planned, it is not something contrived, it is something that just happens, and that is love. Anything you contrive has been constituted through your thought processes.

Love is not a thought process. Love is a quality of the Heart that just wells up within you, and yet it still translates itself into the lower conscious mind; it translates it there, so you feel the emotion of love. For feeling and emotions are not of the Heart. Feeling and emotions are created by the mind. Because the mind cognises feelings and emotions, so therefore the mind is the creator of feelings and emotions. It is the creator of pain and pleasure.


But I want you to go beyond that conscious mental level, from the lower mind to the realm of joy, where the mind is not involved, and joy just exists to bring you happiness. And when that joy brings you this happiness, it must reflect itself to the conscious mind.

Your conscious mind is nothing but a mirror which pictures all the things of your subconscious. If you are regular in your spiritual practices, then it will not only be your subconscious mind that filtrates through to the mirror of the conscious mind, but with your regular spiritual practices, the Superconscious level of the mind filters through and cleans up that dirty conscious mind.

So, the purpose of life is to clean that mirror. So simple. And when that mirror is cleaned, the Superconscious level of yourself is seen clearly, brightly, and beautiful because there is no dirt. When you can see your face clearly in that mirror, your life becomes happier. You will look prettier because there is no dirt. Logical. And when you see the cleanliness there, you yourself will feel very clean outside and inside. Cleanliness is next to Godliness, as the old saying goes. So, we come into this life and take on these various forms – she is slim, and someone is fat, and someone is tall, and someone is short. Why can all human beings not look exactly the same? Because, as I said before, your samskaras and your karmas. There will come a time when everyone will look the same. Different features, perhaps, but there will be no white, black, brown, green, or yellow. There will only be read because that redness in everyone’s faces will reflect the blood of which they are constituted.


The purpose of life is to find that Divinity, to find that love which will naturally, automatically lead you to Divinity.

Let us all be loved all the time. Are we not all brothers and sisters? My mother and father have gone through so many troubles to give me this life and bring me up. They have given me life. Let me live, let me live, let me live. But remember one thing that let me live this life in truth. As long as I live in this life, let my life always be lived in truthfulness.

… Gururaj Ananda Yogi: Satsang UK 1986 – 02